Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Fans of science fiction may be familiar with the idea of separate realities that exist parallel to our own. These worlds vibrate on a different frequency, and therefore we are unable to touch feel, or embrace whatever lies beyond our reality. We can only experience things on this side of the fabric of space and time, which seems like a grandmother’s quilt, suffocatingly warm and comfortable, but may be more sheer and silky, and fluid than one would originally imagine.

And maybe in the sheer, silky, fluidness of things, a person like me feels as if I am bouncing back and forth, reverberating in non-concentric circles, unable to direct a pattern of proper placement. So what is the major malfunction in the works? Why is it so hard to tap into that which is already there, that which should be within in grasp, but is just out of touch? Well, I guess if I knew the answer, I wouldn’t be asking the question? Or maybe the biggest fear is that the answer really does lie within me, that I’m a jackass, and the maestro of my own demise.

I continue spinning. But where does the top stop? On it’s side like a stray animal in heavy traffic? Propped against a wall through sheer luck, like a derelict that discovers rich relatives to bum off.Or will I finally come to a new era of existence?

1 comment:

mer said...

Add me to your blog crazy!